Specially FriedFreezeCan You Freeze Deviled Eggs? – Eggs Storage Guide!
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Can You Freeze Deviled Eggs? – Eggs Storage Guide!

Immad Amir
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Immad is a talented home cook and editorial director at Specially Fried. With his culinary expertise, love for gadgets and creative flair, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of food blogging.
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Lisa is a nutritionist with a passion for promoting healthy eating habits. With her expertise, she meticulously cross-checks the content on Specially Fried, ensuring accurate and reliable nutrition information.

Can You Freeze Deviled Eggs_ – Eggs Storage Guide!
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If you’re someone who enjoys boiled eggs, you will absolutely love deviled eggs! Hard-boiled eggs with a yolk filling out of this world, who wouldn’t love the concept? Keep them as a side, and your guests will be licking their fingers. But like every favorite snack of ours, this one has a downside too; they don’t last forever. However, what we can do is we can freeze or refrigerate the deviled eggs to make them last a little longer.

So in this article, we will be going through every possible aspect and query regarding freezing deviled eggs so you can enjoy them for as long as possible!

Unfortunately, the whole deviled egg cannot be frozen. Though you can freeze the yolk filling, it is never a good idea to freeze egg whites; they will become rubbery and will release a lot of water when you try to thaw them.

How to freeze deviled eggs in your kitchen?

When it comes to freezing deviled eggs, you can only freeze the filling as the egg whites will go rubbery if you freeze them too. Here’s the easiest method to freeze deviled egg filling!

Step 1: Scoop out the yolk filling

The yolk filling is what you will be keeping in the freezer. Take a spoon scoop out the filling from the egg whites, and put it in a separate bowl.

You can either eat the egg whites right then or throw them out and prepare new ones later as they cannot be frozen with the filling.

Step 2: Let the filling cool down

Let the filling cool down first if it is hot. Bringing it down to room temperature is important because if you freeze hot filling, it will let out steam upon freezing which would completely ruin its texture.

Step 3: Seal in a bag

After it has cooled down to room temperature, transfer the deviled filling into a sealable freezer-safe bag and leave about 1-inch space.

You don’t want the bag to be completely filled as the filling expands when it freezes. If there is no space, the bag will pop open, and your filling will be ruined. You’d need one inch of empty space in a sandwich-sized bag or proportional.

Step 4: Get rid of excess air

After putting the filling into the bag, roll the bag and squeeze out as much air as you can. Doing so will prevent bacteria from going into your filling.

After getting excess air out, carefully seal the bag.

Step 5: Freeze it up

After all the above steps have been done, freeze your filling and enjoy it later!

Tip: If you want to freeze the deviled filling for longer than a few days, wrap the plastic bag in aluminum foil. This will help more in limiting the moisture and the subsequent damage.

How can you thaw frozen deviled eggs?

To thaw deviled eggs, place the filling in the fridge overnight. Do not let the filling thaw at room temperature as that would allow bacteria formation and make the filling unfit for consumption.

Thawing the filling in the fridge would also help retain the flavor. You can also microwave it after keeping it in the fridge for a while. Just keep the filling in the microwave and place a cup of water along with it so that your filling does not lose its moisture.

How long do deviled eggs last in the freezer?

Deviled eggs can last for up to 3 weeks inside the freezer.

However, it is better to consume them in one go rather than keep them in the freezer as they will go bad relatively quickly despite the air-tight packaging used when freezing.

Can deviled eggs be refrigerated overnight?

Yes, in fact, deviled eggs can be refrigerated for up to four days. However, it is recommended to consume them within two days, so they taste fresh.

You will have to refrigerate the yolk filling and egg whites separately. Try to refrigerate the yolk filling in an air-tight sealed bag. The whites should be refrigerated by folding the halves in plastic wrap.

How long do deviled eggs last in the refrigerator?

Deviled eggs can last almost 4 days in the refrigerator. However, it’s better to eat them within 2 days.

Keep in mind that they have to be served within two hours of taking them out of the refrigerator.

How do deviled eggs go bad?

Why do deviled eggs go bad so easily? It’s actually not just deviled eggs, but hard-boiled eggs generally tend to go bad very quickly. This is because when you boil the eggs, the egg loses its protective coating and the open pores in the shell become a gateway for bacteria to enter, thus contaminating the eggs.

Deviled eggs tend to go bad even quicker than simple hard-boiled eggs as there are other ingredients in them as well.

How long can deviled eggs sit out at room temperature?

At room temperature, deviled eggs can sit for 2 hours maximum if the weather is hot. If they are kept out in the hot sun, they might go bad after just one hour.

How do you keep deviled eggs from sweating?

To keep your eggs from sweating, make sure you store them in a container lined with a paper towel to absorb the moisture. You need to do this step if you are not planning on eating the eggs right away.

Why do deviled eggs get watery?

Mayonnaise or sometimes Greek yogurt makes up your delicious deviled egg filling. If you add an excessive amount of one of these to the filling, the texture will get very runny or watery. This problem can also occur if the egg is not properly hard-boiled and the yolk is not cooked enough.

Can you thicken deviled eggs?

Yes, you definitely can! You can add instant mashed potatoes, baby cereal, or even extra egg yolks to thicken up the filling.

Let’s go through each method below!

1. Instant mashed potatoes

Instant mashed potatoes can act as a great thickener for your deviled eggs’ fillings. Considering that most of us can find this glorious mixture lying around the house is a bonus. Plus, only a tiny bit of it would be required to thicken the filling up!

When using instant mashed potatoes, keep in mind to look out for the flavor of the mixture. A generic instant mashed potatoes mixture would work best. Other than that, there are no specifics. Just add a bit of the mixture to your egg fillings, and voila! Your deviled eggs are thick.

2. Baby cereal

Just like mashed potatoes, you can also mix some baby cereal into your deviled eggs, and the consistency would be perfect. Keep adding a little until you reach your desired consistency! Baby cereal wouldn’t alter the taste much either.

The only downside to this method is that baby cereal is not present in every household. However, if you do have a tiny human in your home, then you can make good use of baby cereal in such a situation!

3. Extra egg yolks

Perhaps the easiest method is to boil some extra eggs and include their yolks in your filling. If you’re making deviled eggs, chances are you have quite a few eggs in your kitchen. Just add these extra yolks into your filling, and your deviled eggs will be rescued!

You can even mince the egg whites finely and use them to thicken the filling. But if the filling gets too thick for your liking, then just add a bit of lemon juice to thin it down.

Why do deviled eggs stink?

Your deviled eggs might stink because of overcooking. When you overcook your eggs, the hydrogen and sulfur in the whites react with the iron in the yolk resulting in hydrogen sulfide that has a rotten egg smell.

Final thoughts on trying to freeze deviled eggs!

Deviled eggs are fairly easy to freeze up but remember to only freeze the filling! Follow our tips and methods carefully to preserve your deviled eggs for later. We hope all your questions were answered with this article. Now enjoy those delicious deviled eggs!

We recommend you continue reading articles on our blog. Here is our hyped-up post on how to freeze English muffins easily!

Immad Amir
Written by
Immad is a talented home cook and editorial director at Specially Fried. With his culinary expertise, love for gadgets and creative flair, he brings a fresh perspective to the world of food blogging.
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Lisa is a nutritionist with a passion for promoting healthy eating habits. With her expertise, she meticulously cross-checks the content on Specially Fried, ensuring accurate and reliable nutrition information.

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