Having an air fryer in your kitchen means you can always cook delicious and healthy meals. Depending on the meal, you may need to place it in a metal bowl or something similar. As a result, most air fryer users often ask whether you can put metal in an air fryer.
Yes, you can put metal in an air fryer, but it should be oven-safe. Although metal can withstand extreme heat, not every metal item out there is made for air fryer use. Stainless steel, cast iron, and aluminum pans are safe to use in air fryers.
Let’s take a look at how you can keep things safe while using metal with your air fryer.
Safety concerns: Using metal in an air fryer
Using metal in an air fryer is generally regarded as safe. The reason is that the majority of the cookware made from metal is specially designed to withstand extreme temperatures. In fact, some cookware can handle temperatures reaching up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
As air fryers can reach a maximum of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, handling such heat for metal cookware should not be a problem. However, then again, most people assume that using any kind of metal cookware is safe, which is not the case.
Metal cookware that can be used in an air fryer
If you observe closely, cookware made of metal has specific instructions mentioned on the label about being safe for air fryer use. From the outside, all metals look more or less the same. It is the composition that makes them different.
Metals like aluminum, cast iron, and stainless steel are completely safe to use inside the air fryer. Remember, if you want to purchase a tray, bowl, or anything else to place inside your air fryer, make sure it is labeled “air fryer-safe” or “oven-safe.”
Can you also put aluminum foil in the air fryer safely? Learn now.
Metal cookware you shouldn’t use in an air fryer
The following types of metal cookware should be avoided when it comes to placing a dish inside the air fryer.
Metal cookware with handles made of different materials
Metal cookware with wooden or plastic handles should be avoided. The reason is that even if the metal is able to withstand the heat, the handles can burn or warp inside the air fryer. However, you can use cookware with silicone handles as they are relatively safer when it comes to handling heat.
All types of metal are not air fryer-safe
If the manufacturers have not specifically mentioned “air fryer-safe” or “oven-safe” on their products, it means you should avoid using cookware for your air fryer.
Painted cookware
You might have come across a beautiful piece of cookware that you thought would work great with your air fryer. If it is painted, you should step away from it.
At high temperatures, paint compounds tend to break and will affect your food. However, enamel paint is an exception and is considered safe by the FDA.
Summing up, you should not be afraid to use metal cookware in your air fryer. All you need to do is make sure it is labeled “air fryer-safe” or “oven-safe,” and you are good to go. If you do not have access to metal cookware, you can use cookware made of other materials like ceramic, glass, and silicone as well. Happy air frying!